Thursday, March 21, 2013



What is the actual difference between light of different colours?

The frequency of the EM wave determines the amount of amount energy it contains. Therefore, different colors of light have different frequencies and amount of energy.

How slow can we make light go?

When light passes through different media its speed slows. The slowest speed recorded is through sodium at -272 C during which the speed of light fell to 60kph – about the speed of a bicycle.

3. What does light symbolise in the following painting of the Greek god Prometheus wielding the flame of a torch?

It symbolizes the fact that The Prometheus came to people to give people light. Another reason is probably that he came to help people and here the light could be defined as help.

4. Fill in definitions for the following lighting concepts:
Ambient light

The soft indirect light that fills the volume of a room with illumination.

Direct light

Illumination on a subject or area that goes directly from the front of the luminaire in a straight line to the subject

Warm white

“Warm white” is the same colour temperature as the standard inefficient incandescent, imparts a more orange/red light on objects, is normally associated with red or orange objects.


A light fixture, such as a frosted globe, that spreads light evenly.


An International System unit of power equal to one joule per second.

the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun"

The ratio of the energy delivered (or work done) by a machine to the energy needed (or work required) in operating the machine.

5. Fill in the table below describing the different kinds of lighting available:
Picture Name Feature Use
Ambient light Light source is covered by diffuser This type of light source is mainly used to provide the scene with a basic view of the different objects in it. Eg. Desk lamp
Spot light Bright, direct light, narrow beam, no diffusion. searchlights or spotlights are used in advertising, fairs, festivals and other public events. Eg. Lights in the art center
Pendant light Light can be diffused or directed down; hangs from ceiling; usually a design feature. Pendant lights are often used in multiples, hung in a straight line over kitchen countertops and dinette sets or sometimes in bathrooms. Eg. Lights in the bathroom
Task light Light points downward; often articulated; no direct light to eyes. Often task lighting refers to office lighting, where the task light is used to increase illuminance on the reading area. Eg. Desk light

LEDs come in several shapes. List three kinds of lighting they can replace.

a. Standard

b. Globe

c. Candle



Comment of the following Design Aspects of your ecolamp:


The lamp that I did looks good. The design looks interesting and it could be put in any room with any design style because it's base which is made of timber and it's wooden colour and the aluminium piece will also look good with everything really. And because the lamp is going to be a present for my mother and we'll probably put it in her office. All the furniture that is there, is wooden so the lamp is going to be in perfect balance with the style of her office. The shape of my lamp is also fashionable, doesn't take a lot of space, what is really good for the offices because there is always not enough space.
The lamp is bright and it lights up quite a big space. What is also good because sometimes my mother stays at work late and therefore she needs a lot of light. The LEDs are putted just at the end of aluminium piece so that the light coming from it wouldn't be too bright or too dim. Because on the lamp is LED light, it saves quite a big amount of energy and therefore it saves that extra amount of money that my mother payed for the light from normal light bulbs.

Insert a colour photograph of your finished LED lamp.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Isometric and orthographic drawings

Questions. 14/03/13

What is an Alloy?

An alloy is a substance made by melting two or more elements together, at least one of them a metal. An alloy crystallizes upon cooling into a solid solution, mixture, or intermetalliccompound.

What is solder?

Solder is an alloy, which is a combination of two or more metals. It is heated to its melting point and used to join together other metals. The most common solder is called half-and-half, or "plumber's" solder, and is composed of equal parts of lead and tin. Other metals used in solder are aluminum, cadmium, zinc, nickel, gold, silver, palladium, bismuth, copper, and antimony.

What does the term "Tinning" refer to?

Tinning is a process of coating the two surfaces to be joined with a thin layer of solder to help the main mass of solder flow and melt into the joint.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Richard Kelly- lighting designer.

a) A picture of the designer.

b) A picture of  some of their work

c) His works look interesting because they look really cool, beautiful but not really complecated. They are very fashoinable and will look good in any room.

d)  “ . . . visual truth lies in the structure of light.”  - Richard Kelly, lighting designer, architect.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Sketches from the table after the question 8.

12th post

TOday we went to the workshop. Some people are done and finished their lamps, they helped those who haven't finished their lamps yet. On the second half of the lesson we went to the classroom and we had some kind of theory lesson. i was doign my assignment. I have to finish couple of questions and then I willl finish it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013