Monday, July 29, 2013

3 post

On last lesson I've started doing prototype of my desk tidy from cupboard. While doing that I've realized some things that I had to change and I actually changed them during the process. I changed lengths of the sides so I could use less cupboard. I have 4 small "boxes" where I'm going to put my jewelry. I think I'll finish my prototype next lesson, and when I do-I'm going to put a photo of it on the Blogg.  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

2nd post

Well, on yesterday's lesson I realised that we are allowed to make a desk tidy for our jewellery. So I've decided to change my design. I'm going to put my rings, necklaces, earrings a d some other things in there. I think 4 'boxes' will be more than enough. As our desk tidies has to be not bigger than 20 by 20 by 20 cm, so I've decided to make it 20cm in height, 10 cm in width and 14 cm in length. My new design looks like so: 
And here are some 1:1 scale drawings of my desk tidy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

term 3, post 1

On todays lesson we started doing our new assignment which is desk tidy. Firstly we had to do research of different desk tidies and then start planning our own desk tidy. In the internet I found a lot of desk tidies of different shapes and colours. But I need to look at all of the examples and make my own desighn, not copy of someone's design. We firstly had to decide what thigs we were going to put into our desk tidy. I'm going to put there my Iphone, a cup, pencils and pens,and some paper sheets. So I need a desk tidy that can fit in all of these things. Here are some pictures that I found in the internet.

-I really like this desk tidy because there is a space for the phone, some paper, pens, pencils and small things.

-I don't really like the design and I think it's too small. 

-this one looks modern, interesting, good for teenager, but there is no place for my phone and a cup, so I don't think this design will be the best for me.-This desk tidy includes a lot of different trays for paper, small things,etc. But I don't really like the way it's done and I think that this desk tidy will take a lot of space on my table.

And here are some of my drawings.

And this is my final one, that I really want to make.
Here is my design of desk tidy with a stand for my iPhone, a space for a cup, a box for pens and pencils and a small box for the small things. It also has space for paper at the back. The stand fornthe iphone is small because it doesn't need all 4 walls, so it has just one short wall at the front that will stop the phone from falling. I will also be able to put some paper at the back of the desk tidy and stand for pens and pencils. I also tried to find a desk tidy that have a place for a cup and I decided to place my cap in the middle of the desk tidy. It doesn't have any walls because I need to get it out and put it back as easy as possible.