Thursday, October 24, 2013

Post 6

On today's lesson a lot of people were absent because of the softball. Everyone got a lot of work done. On today's lesson i finally learned how to set up a drill with round nozzle to make circular cams and I'm not freaking out now when using the drill, which is a big step up for me. Today we were talking that we might not get our work done before the end of term, so I've changed my design a bit, so it will take me less time to finish. I've decided that I'm going to make just one ship instead of two and I'll have just two waves moving, instead of three. I got 2 cams done, I had time to make just one hole and so I have just one offset cam now. So next lesson I will need to make last cam to be offset cam. I will also need to make a pear shaped cam for the ship. 
For our homework tonight we have to do 1:1 drawing of all the cams that we are using, how they are working and where they are situated in the box. 

So today's lesson was really productive for me, I need to work hard, because we have just 6 lessons left and a lot of work to be done.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post 5

On today's lesson we were down in workshop. I made a hole for the small circle that goes on the end of an centre axis. Mr Andrews said that my sides are moving, this means that I used not enough glue, so I took both sides off and redone it with a right amount of glue. I also used this thing that helps you check the right angle of the things. The only problem that I had was the extra glue on the surface of the timber. I had to take it of as the side edge wouldn't fit in there. I also got rid of the extra timber that was supporting the sides, I also sand it down. We also got a lot of homework for tonight. Apart for the Blogg, we have to do a list of cams that we use, their 1:1 drawing and errors showing where  they are situated in the actual box. 
So next lesson I'm going to start making cams. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

post 4

On today's lesson I did a pretty good job, it was a productive lesson for me. I finished the box for my mechanical toy. So the biggest problem for me was to cut the circles using the drill as it is kind of dangerous and I was scared at the first time, but then when I've started using it, I realized that it's not that hard and scary actually. Another problem that I had was probably putting this center-stick into the bigger circle and glue it. because it was a really good glue that sticks two parts together in couple of seconds, so I had to do it quickly. And to my surprise the stick got stuck in the circle and didn't want to go all the way through it, so I've used a hammer to give it some more pressure and it went too far away, like to the middle, so i had to pull it up again. It was hard, but funny. But I finally got it right, I think I've solved the problem really quickly and in a fun way.
I've also done the small circle for another side of the stick, but I still need to make a hole of a right size. So next lesson I will finish doing that, and then I'll start making the cams, I will need two offset cams for the ships and three for the waves. That's my plan for the next lesson. But if I'll finish doing that, which is unlikely to happen, but if I do, I will start cutting the design of my top part of the toy.
That's my box and the small circle that I am going to finish next lesson.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

post 3

Today's class wasn't productive to me, as didn't really do anything. Emily and I are far behind the girls and we needed Mr Andrews to show us what to do next. But because Mr Andrews is one teacher for the whole class and everyone needs help, we got to see him just once. When we did, he told us to sand down our pieces perfectly, so they are all of the same size. Then we had to put the small part on top of another small part and then draw two diagonals to find the center. When we finished everything that we were asked to do, we were told to pack up as there were only 10 minutes left of the class. So on tomorrow's lesson I have to work really hard and don't waste the time, because I need to catch up and my design is quite complicated, so I will probably spend a lot of time on it.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Post 2

On today's lesson we did theory. We looked at two programs on the computer. One of them was "Mechanisms" , where we were learning about different motions, way to lift the object in the mechanical toys,etc. Another one was called "Mechanical Toys", where we looked at some examples of the mechanical toys. Then we had to research some designs and we could also think of some ideations. I didn't want to copy someone's work, so I've decided to research some ideas, but think of my own design. I here are some ideas that I found in the Internet. 

I really liked the idea of the ocean and the boats, so I've decided to do these theme, but change it a little bit. I also had some of my own ideas. Like these ones for example.
On this picture I had a Chritmas tree on the right hand side. I thought that I might use rotary motion, that means that it was going to spin round. On the left hand side it was going to be a stand with 'Merry Christmas' writing on it, that had to go up and down. The pear shaped cam would make it move.  I thought of this idea as Christmas is coming up soon. But I thought it was too boring. So I've decided to try to make a changed version of the "Ocean motion". Here what I got:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Term 4, post 1

On today's lesson i started the box for my mechanical toy. Everyone else in the class has already started in on the last week of school in term 3, but because I wasn't there, I had to start yesterday. We were shown the plan for the box and then we had to draw 4 pieces on the timber, cut them out and sand them. This work had to be accurate because this was the base of the toy and everything had to be of the same size. So next lesson we have to glue 3 part together and leave 4th part as a top part. And I also have some more things to do next lesson, because I need to catch up.