Friday, November 8, 2013

Post 10. Final evaluation

To finish my mechanical toy I still had to paint it. I used acrylic paint, but the colour wasn't bright enough so I painted two or even three layers everywhere. I painted the followers but not the ends, so they could touch the cams and work properly, I also did my top part, I think I got some paint into my holes for followers, because when I tried to play with it, the followers did go through the holes, but they weren't loose and therefore my mechanism didn't work properly. So, I need to go to the workshop on the lunchtime on Monday and drill the holes one more time, in order to make extra space in holes and make the followers to up and down without any friction.
I also recorded all the steps of painting my mechanical toy:)




Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post 9

Today we had last lesson in workshop and we were supposed to finish or mechanical toys. 
So today I finished making my ship, I sanded the edges, glued it on top of the follower and got all the cams fixed. 
So, I had my mechanical toy pretty much finished and I had to just test it and see what's goes right and what goes wrong and fix it. When I tested it, I realized that my front waves go up and down as they were supposed to, but they also span around. So I had to drill small holes at the end of the waves and the holes that are parallel to the ones in the waves. Then we putted pieces of wire in those holes, so they would kind of support the waves and stop them from turning. 
 My cams would hardly work because it moved the top part, so I had to make it stay still. Mr Andrews showed us how to do it, we just had to drill the holes through both of the tops and into the side of the box and then put the wire in that hole. But I thought it would be easier if I did the same thing but on the sides of the box, so it went through the side wall and into the pieces of wood that are joined with the top. When I did so, it worked out really well, it's now working properly. So, at the end of this lesson i had my toy finished and ready to be played with. I also took couple of pictures of my mechanical toy. 
So now, I will paint it on the weekends and bring it back on Monday for Mr Andrews to get it assessed. 

Post 8

On today's lesson I made all the round cams. The only problem I had was using mini- band saw. It was a bit harder than I thought it would be. But fortunately for me I had to cut just one cam out. My cam wasn't really accurate so I had to sand it down. When I've done it, I got the cam still not perfect one, but good enough to make my mechanism work. 
I've also finished my box, so now I'm going to make my design which is on top of the box. Next lesson I will need to make 3 small waves that are not moving and are situated at the front and 2 big waves that are going to move and which are situated in the middle as the have to be held on the axis. Next lesson I will also need to make a sail boat. Everything will be made from the timber, except for the sail, I'll make it from the cupboard. 
That's what I had at the beginning of the lesson. 

This picture  shows what I got at the end of this lesson.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

post 7

Today we went to the workshop on the lunchtime with Mr Andrews, as we are running out of time and we won't be able to finish our mechanical toys. Jill and I were late because we were doing her history speech. But on today's session I've fixed 2 out of 3 cams and next lesson I will just need to finish the last cam and check that everything is working.