Thursday, February 28, 2013

10th post

On today's lesson I almost finished my lamp. The LEDs are on the top of my lamp, the cable goes through the hole between my base and the aluminium and that's pretty cool, cause my design saved some of my time. Because other girls had to drill a hole in a base and in an aluminium piece.
On today's lesson I had some trouble with melting the wire so it could join the cable parts with LEDs. That's because I didn't push strong enough and melted wire just didn't want to stay on the place where she supposed to be. As I pushed it a bit harder and actually held the thing (that melts wire ) on the place where I want melted wire to stay and then put some wire on its top-it melted in a sec and everything was good and stayed in a right place.
Next lesson I'm going to cover the cable and put a piece of plastic on top of it and I'm done. Yay!
Here is a picture of my lamp.

9th post

My lamp is nearly ready. I still need to make a hole for the cable to go through and put these tiny bulbs in the lamp. Mr Andrews said that if we'll put too many bulbs in the lamp- it's going to be too bright. So I decided to put just a couple of them and just at the end of aluminium piece. The end of my lamp goes up, so that the light could shine and take more space to illuminate.
Here is what I got so far.

Friday, February 22, 2013

8th post

On today's lesson I cut the top piece of my lamp, because I think the aluminium piece was too long and therefore it would be too heavy for my base. I also made my horizontal piece go a bit higher so now the light will shine further and it looks better this way.
Today I also used drill to make holes. I made two holes on the base and two holes on the aluminium piece so next lesson I'll join these two parts of the lamp by two screws which I'll put through these holes.
Because Mr Andrews will be on camp next week and we probably won't have time to go to the workshop, so we'll have to do our assignments. I think I've done a half of it already, I'll try to finish it by next week.

7th post

On today's lesson we were down in the workshop. We were supposed to finish our bases and start working on our aluminium things. We had to make our shapes of lamps. I finish everything with my base and I also finished making shape of my aluminium thing. That's how it looks like now.
I had difficulties with making curves, because they were small and I need to make them fit for the base. But I think I've done pretty good job and my lamp looks pretty good.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

6th post

On today's lesson I also started to do my actual lamp. I've started putting all the dots on my piece of aluminium, where I have to start curving, where is the center of curve and where is the end of curve. Because most of the lesson I was doing all the drawings, so I haven't done much of the work with the lamp. But I'll try all my best on the next lesson to do as much as possible.
I got a bit confused about the measuring the aluminium piece. How should I measure where is the beginning of the curve, where is it's center and where does it have to end. I'll figure it out on the next lesson.

5th post

Today I thought about the shape of my lamp. Because I'm using a quite small piece of timber and my aluminium piece is long and quite heavy for my base that I chose. So I decided to change design of my lamp. Now it looks this way. I think this shape is going to work and will stay straight. And it's better than previous one.
I also did 'one to one' drawing on A3 piece of paper. So that I could compare my lamp with this drawing and fix something if needed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

4th post

On today's lesson we were completing the 'on guard' questions. We also went down to the workshop and Mr Andrews showed us the materials that we are going to use for our ECO lamps. I think I've chosen the shape of the lamp that I'm going to do. Here is its picture and my drawing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

3rd DT lesson.

On today's lesson we were doing 'Isometric Drawing' activity. We had to draw stairs. But firstly we drew a cube and then we worked on it so that we got 2 stairs. That's what I got.

I don't think it's a good drawing. Next time I'll try harder and more accurate.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2nd lesson

Today we watched a PowerPoint about shapes of the lamps. I think I found the shape that I want to do. We also got a worksheets with questions. We started working on it.