Thursday, February 28, 2013

10th post

On today's lesson I almost finished my lamp. The LEDs are on the top of my lamp, the cable goes through the hole between my base and the aluminium and that's pretty cool, cause my design saved some of my time. Because other girls had to drill a hole in a base and in an aluminium piece.
On today's lesson I had some trouble with melting the wire so it could join the cable parts with LEDs. That's because I didn't push strong enough and melted wire just didn't want to stay on the place where she supposed to be. As I pushed it a bit harder and actually held the thing (that melts wire ) on the place where I want melted wire to stay and then put some wire on its top-it melted in a sec and everything was good and stayed in a right place.
Next lesson I'm going to cover the cable and put a piece of plastic on top of it and I'm done. Yay!
Here is a picture of my lamp.

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