Thursday, November 7, 2013

Post 8

On today's lesson I made all the round cams. The only problem I had was using mini- band saw. It was a bit harder than I thought it would be. But fortunately for me I had to cut just one cam out. My cam wasn't really accurate so I had to sand it down. When I've done it, I got the cam still not perfect one, but good enough to make my mechanism work. 
I've also finished my box, so now I'm going to make my design which is on top of the box. Next lesson I will need to make 3 small waves that are not moving and are situated at the front and 2 big waves that are going to move and which are situated in the middle as the have to be held on the axis. Next lesson I will also need to make a sail boat. Everything will be made from the timber, except for the sail, I'll make it from the cupboard. 
That's what I had at the beginning of the lesson. 

This picture  shows what I got at the end of this lesson.

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