Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post 5

On today's lesson we were down in workshop. I made a hole for the small circle that goes on the end of an centre axis. Mr Andrews said that my sides are moving, this means that I used not enough glue, so I took both sides off and redone it with a right amount of glue. I also used this thing that helps you check the right angle of the things. The only problem that I had was the extra glue on the surface of the timber. I had to take it of as the side edge wouldn't fit in there. I also got rid of the extra timber that was supporting the sides, I also sand it down. We also got a lot of homework for tonight. Apart for the Blogg, we have to do a list of cams that we use, their 1:1 drawing and errors showing where  they are situated in the actual box. 
So next lesson I'm going to start making cams. 

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