Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Post 12, question 4

For the question number 4 we have to find the total surface area of the plastic that we need to make our exact desk tidy.  So I've decided that I'm going to find the surface area of each piece and then add all of them together.

1)because my top boxes are made of stripes and bottoms. So I have to find the surface area of a stripe and then the SA of the 'bottom parts' and add them together.

 top box on the left:

Length= 7.5+6.5+7.5+6.7
= 28.2 cm
SA= L * W
SA= 28.2 * 3.1
= 87.42 (square cm) 

2)Top box on the right:

Length= 10.5*2+6.5*2
=34 cm
=105.4 (square cm)

3)Left box on the bottom:

Length= 9.5+7+9.5+7
=33 cm
=102.3 (square cm)

4)Right box on the bottom:

=86.96 (square cm)
5)To find the SA of all the stripes, I have to add all the SA's together
SA of all the stripes= 87.42+105.4+102.3+86.96

6)The SA of top 'floor'
15.4*6.4=98.56 (square cm)

7)The SA of a support thing that holds top boxes in a right place:
13*8=104 (square cm)

8)The SA of the back wall:
20.3*18=365.4 (square cm)

9)The SA of the base:
10.5*18=189 (square cm)

10)To find the total surface area (TSA), I have to add all the previous SA together.
TSA= 382.08+98.56+104+365.4+189
=1139.04 (square cm)
=0.113904 (square m)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Post 11. Desk tidy is completed and ready to be used! :)

On yesterday and today's lessons we were down in workshop. I was finishing my project. 
On yesterday's lesson I had to glue everything together. And I was done,when I finished it. However, when I did so, I realized that my top and bottom boxes weren't perfect rectangular shapes, but because I already glued everything together and I couldn't move them anywhere. So I had to leave them. When I glued all the parts and I actually got my final shape, everything was good for me, except for the boxes. But I can't do anything about it, so I'm still pretty happy with my desk tidy. 
It takes 6 hours to glue to actually get everything, so I lest it over night, because we have lesson the very next day.

And on today's lesson I checked my work, sanded some edges with sanding paper and I'm done. So I got my project and went upstairs to do my Blogg and the final question in theory part. We have to use Maths rules to find the total surface area of our desk tidy. So, that's what I'm going to do now. 

This my desk tidy, completed and ready to be used.

However, next time I will try to do better, because as we can see my desk tidy is far away from perfect. Next time, I will measure everything better and make sure all the points are at the same place, and everything is perfect.
I'm going to keep this desk tidy on my table till the end of the term and then I'm going to give it to my mom. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Post 10

On today's lesson I started glueing. Now I have my boxes all glued and ready. A also glued a base to the two small boxes. I had couple of problems this lesson. One of them was using a glue. Because a person who used it before me, didn't close it properly so it stacked and didn't want to come out. But then Mr Andrews fixed it. Another problem occurred during the actual process of gluing things together. When I did so, I realized that some of my edges are not that straight and that affected on the shape of my boxes, as they are not perfect squares. But unfortunately I can't fix it any,ore. S I need to get over it and try harder and more accurately next time. However, I still looks alright, I might use sanding thing (the one when you use this long thing) at the end to fix the edges. A other thing that I thought went not the way I wanted it to, was that the angle of my banded part(the wall and the base) wasn't 90° exactly so the boxes, which walls are 90° wouldn't fit in, so I had to move both of them forward a bit. So I have a small gap there, but no one will be able to see it because of my top boxes.
When I' ll  finish all of the things that I want to and when I' ll fix all the problems that I have, my desk tidy will look good and will help me to organize things on my desk:)
That's what I have so far:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Post 9, research question n. 3


Injection Molding is a process in which molten polymer is forced under high pressure into a mold cavity through an opening (sprue).

Polymer material in form of pellets is fed into an Injection Molding machine through a hopper. The material is then conveyed forward by a feeding screw and forced into a split mold, filling its cavity through a feeding system with sprue gate and runners.

Injection Molding machine is similar to Extruder. The main difference between the two machines is in screw operation. In extruder screw rotates continuously providing output of continuous long product (pipe, rod, sheet). Screw of injection molding machine is called reciprocating screw since it not only rotates but also moves forward and backward according to the steps of the molding cycle.

It acts as a ram in the filling step when the molten polymer is injected into the mold and then it retracts backward in the molding step.

Heating elements, placed over the barrel, soften and melt the polymer.

The mold is equipped with a cooling system providing controlled cooling and solidification of the material.

The polymer is held in the mold until solidification and then the mold opens and the part is removed from the mold by ejector pins.

Injection Molding is used mainly for Thermoplastics, but Elastomers and Thermosets are also may be extruded. In this case cross-linking occurs during heating and melting of the material in the heated barrel.

A principal scheme of an Injection Molding Machine is shown in the picture.

polymer injection molding.png 

Injection Molding is highly productive method providing high accuracy and control of shape of the manufactured parts. The method is profitable in mass production of large number of identical parts.

Thermoplastics commonly used in Injection Molding are as follows:

Injection Molding is used for manufacturing DVDs, pipe fittings, battery casings, toothbrush bases, bottle lids, disposable razors, automobile bumpers and dash boards, power-tool housing, television cabinets, electrical switches, telephone handsets, automotive power brake, automotive fascias, transmission, and electrical parts, mirror housings, steam irons, washer pumps, spoilers, butter tubs, moisture vaporizers, yogurt containers, toilet seats, cell-phone housings, cradles or bases for personal digital assistants, case of a notebook-computer, computer mouse, electrical connector housings, lawn chairs, automotive ashtrays, and cookware appliance handles and knobs, aerosol caps, household items, bottle caps, toys. 

Post 8, research question 2

Question 2.

Industrial name        Common name                  Properties                                  Uses

1)PVC.                       Poly(vinyl chloride).        Strong rigid solid                  Pipes, siding, flooring
2)PVAc                   Poly(vinyl acetate)        Soft,sticky solid                          Latex paints, adhesives

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Post 7

On today's lesson I was fixing some stuff that I messed up last lesson:)
Well, I banded the base, so now I have it as an "L" shape(if you look on it from the side"
And because its not exactly 90° angle, so my boxes didn't fit in into the right place. So I've decided to cut their back wall, so it's of this shape:           

That's how I will be able to glue the side parts to the wall. For the boxes on the bottom part I don't do the "floor" or bottom part because my new base now has it. But I need the "floor" for top boxes. I've already cut it, sanded and now I just need  to glue everything together. I'm pretty happy with the work I've done today and that I found a way to fix all of my things. Next time I will have to glue everything together and take a picture of my final project. 
And I really need to start my research thing. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

post 6, question 1

I've decided that I have to start doing the research questions, otherwise I won't have time to finish them in time as a lot of assignments keep coming up.

1.     Choose 2 machines that you used in the fabrication of your desk tidy. With these machines in mind, outline WPH&S considerations that must be adhered to when using these machines. Include photographs of your chosen machines (OnGuard may be an excellent resource for this question).
Considerations that should take place:

  • Only one person using the machine at one time
  •    Any hair should be tied back or in a hair cap
  • when cutting the pieces, if one of the pieces should be moved, don't move it with your hands, sue something else to move it and then pick it up
  •  if dropped something, don't go down with your head close to the machine, move it with your foot and then pick it up
  •      Safety glasses must be worn
     blade should be in properly


Considerations that should take place:
  •  Safety glasses must be worn 
  • Make sure sanding disc and belt is in good condition
  •    Make sure you know what direction the belt and disc in going
  • don't put hands too close to sander
  • hair should be always tied at the back
  • just one person in each work area

Thursday, August 8, 2013

5 post

On last lesson I started banding my pieces. I had problem with one of my pieces, because I banded it, there was a small space left over. Then I decided to redo it. But when I redone it, I got the same thing, then I thought that i can fix it by putting second box in there. I think, that it is confusing on words, but I'll try to take a picture of it and then it will be easier to understand what I mean.
On last lesson I've done just 2 boxes, so next lesson I have to do so much work to do, as our project has to be finished at the end of week 5 or on the first lesson of week 6. Because we have to start doing our theory research questions.
Here is plan for me to complete on the next lesson:
1) Glue two boxes
2) Band 2 other pieces and make 2 more boxes
3) And finally glue everything together.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

4 post

On today's lesson we were doing our projects. I'm up to a stage of banding my plastic pieces. But on today's lesson I was sanding the edges. Because I have long but small in width pieces I couldn't use the big sander, because its a bit scary and dangerous to do. So I asked Mr Andrews to sand them on small sander. That meant that I had to divide the long piece into 3 parts and sand them separately. Starting with left side, then middle part and the right one at the end. But because I couldn't really control everything to make the surface exactly flat, I had to use sanding paper afterwards. 
When I did it, I took the paper off(the paper that is on top of the plastic) and Mr Andrews said that my adages are not quite flat. So I had to work on them more with this paper. But because my plastic doesn't have any protection on it-I have to work really carefully because I can damage plastic surface. 
On the next lesson I will have to fix my edges and then if I'll have time, I will probably start banding my plastic and put all the pieces together. I don't think I'll get up this stage, but I'll try to, because then I can have more time to work on my theory part of an assignment.