Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Post 10

On today's lesson I started glueing. Now I have my boxes all glued and ready. A also glued a base to the two small boxes. I had couple of problems this lesson. One of them was using a glue. Because a person who used it before me, didn't close it properly so it stacked and didn't want to come out. But then Mr Andrews fixed it. Another problem occurred during the actual process of gluing things together. When I did so, I realized that some of my edges are not that straight and that affected on the shape of my boxes, as they are not perfect squares. But unfortunately I can't fix it any,ore. S I need to get over it and try harder and more accurately next time. However, I still looks alright, I might use sanding thing (the one when you use this long thing) at the end to fix the edges. A other thing that I thought went not the way I wanted it to, was that the angle of my banded part(the wall and the base) wasn't 90° exactly so the boxes, which walls are 90° wouldn't fit in, so I had to move both of them forward a bit. So I have a small gap there, but no one will be able to see it because of my top boxes.
When I' ll  finish all of the things that I want to and when I' ll fix all the problems that I have, my desk tidy will look good and will help me to organize things on my desk:)
That's what I have so far:

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