Tuesday, August 6, 2013

4 post

On today's lesson we were doing our projects. I'm up to a stage of banding my plastic pieces. But on today's lesson I was sanding the edges. Because I have long but small in width pieces I couldn't use the big sander, because its a bit scary and dangerous to do. So I asked Mr Andrews to sand them on small sander. That meant that I had to divide the long piece into 3 parts and sand them separately. Starting with left side, then middle part and the right one at the end. But because I couldn't really control everything to make the surface exactly flat, I had to use sanding paper afterwards. 
When I did it, I took the paper off(the paper that is on top of the plastic) and Mr Andrews said that my adages are not quite flat. So I had to work on them more with this paper. But because my plastic doesn't have any protection on it-I have to work really carefully because I can damage plastic surface. 
On the next lesson I will have to fix my edges and then if I'll have time, I will probably start banding my plastic and put all the pieces together. I don't think I'll get up this stage, but I'll try to, because then I can have more time to work on my theory part of an assignment.

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